
Stuff I Like to Use for Consulting and Remote Work

Bluehost: I use Blue Host for my because it has a simple (and free) 1-click script install to link my WordPress blog to my new domain name. It was just super easy to work with, and their customer service is great.

WordPress: WordPress is the simplest and most professional blogging platform I’ve used. It is such a widely used resource that it has almost any and every plugin you could ever need, which makes it super simple and universal to customize and create the type of page you and your company may need! I first started using WordPress in 2009, and I’ve loved it ever since.

Traveler’s Insurance: I Use World Nomads as my traveler’s insurance company of choice. When I was traveling through Ecuador, during the very first week, I had my camera stolen out of my backpack. I was very sad, and I can’t even begin to explain how upsetting it feels to know that there are people out there who would do something like that – but, that’s the world we live in, and that’s where insurance policies come in. World Nomads covered the full cost of my camera, and they were wonderful to work with throughout the whole claim process.


*This site earns revenue using affiliate marketing for some products. However, I will never recommend any products that I do not personally use, or have no intentions of using.*